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  In Italy, there are about 400,000 slot machines: 1 for every 150 inhabitants. It is a business that knows no crisis. Just think that Italian gamblers in 2012, spent as much as €90 billion: €10 billion more than the previous year. Despite this, however, the places who decide to say “no” to slot machines are increasing. But it is not so easy.

  Since, as reported byTerre di Mezzo’s survey, when dealers renounce to it, they have to take into account, in addition to psychological pressure and loss of attractive benefits, the imposition of fees in case of cancellation. And, as if that was not enough, the State thinks to earn a lot from gambling, www.bozhidao.com but it actually loses money. Only the cost of the “social consequences” that compulsive gambling produces, amount to €6 billion a year.

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