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  Kong said he concurred with Penampang Umno chief Datuk John Ambrose that there were too many slot machines in the district and this had resulted in many gambling related problems.

  “In the Dewan Negara sitting recently I asked the Finance Ministry about the high number of premises operating slot machines in Kepayan and Penampang and what steps would the Government take to curb gambling activities as well as shut down these clubs.

  “I am very disappointed with the reply that the Government does not have any plan to review their existence.

  “Why is it that such clubs are not even allowed to operate in Sarawak?” he said, adding that the Penampang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCCI) had in July 2010 presented a memorandum to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak during his visit to Kota Kinabalu and the memorandum claimed that Sabah loses as much as RM1.80 billion yearly through gambling activities.

  The Sabah MCA Liaison deputy chief said that the reply from the Finance Ministry also stated that there are 45 slot machine clubs operating in Sabah and the number of permits issued has not been increased since 1998.

  The ministry disclosed that seven of these clubs were operating in the Kapayan constituency and all the 45 premises must adhere to the conditions and prohibitions set for them under the Lottery Act 1052 as well as the terms and conditions under Section 27A of the the Common Gaming House Act 1953.

  All the clubs must also declare the gaming machine’s duty as revenue which will be deposited under a consolidated fund.

  The ministry also said that the Government has no intention at the moment to shut down the clubs but it will take action against any of these premises if they failed to abide by and adhere to the rules and regulations.

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