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  在4月3日,委员们以4比2 的投票结果否决了出售土地期权给阿瑟港复兴集团的提议。









  Pleasure Island Commissioners Taking Second Look At Casino Gambling

  In April they said no, but now Pleasure Island commissioners are taking a second look at casino gambling.

  On April 3rd, the commission voted 4-2 against giving a land use option to the Port Arthur Renaissance Group.

  The option the Renaissance Group was seeking, would have been for a casino-style resort on the island.

  The group needs the option in order to pave the way for casino gambling in Port Arthur.

  Tonight, the Pleasure Island commissioners met in executive session, but made no decision.

  Sources tell us they've asked their attorney to get with Allen Parker, who's the attorney for the Renaissance Group and iron out an agreement.

  That agreement will be voted on at a meeting on July 10th.

  Pleasure Island commissioners might have been prompted to take a second look at the issue after learning that Ford Park is waiting in the wings.

  Fox 4 has learned that the talks are underway between the Renaissance Group and Jefferson County officials to bring casino gambling to Ford Park, if casino gambling is legalized in Texas.

  There's talk the group would consider taking over the entertainment venue's bond debt

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