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  He’s only 9, so Michael Kelly’s analysis of what video games are doing to kids’ schooling is more instinct than all the new academic talk out there.

  “Picture that I’m Mario,” he begins.

  After some hand-on-chin pondering, the third-grader is shaping an idea how all those hours he spends leaping walls, escaping lava and rescuing princesses as Super Mario just might be making him a better student.

  “And picture that paper over there as the bad guy.” He nods at an assignment on his desk at the Derrick Thomas Academy charter school in Kansas City, Missouri.

  “I do the work,” he says. “I jump on that paper — and jump on it and jump on it.”

  Kids aren’t afraid to be wrong

  Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but a growing sentiment among many educators and psychologists suggests that all the shooting, blasting and racing may be spawning more adventurous, risk-taking thinkers.

  That is, if we don’t get carried away. Even researchers friendly to video games warn: Too much is too much.

  The beauty of video gaming is that children understand that “failure is a normal part of the learning process,” said Dan Willingham, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia.

  “Learning is the product of work, trial and persistence,” he said.

  Children who otherwise wouldn’t be caught speaking a wrong answer in class willingly die a dozen times in the game world — in front of friends — in pursuit of the next level.

  Teacher Cassie Krause knows by their lunchroom talk which of her students play video games, and many of them are her most outgoing in class.

  “They’ll answer a question,” she said, “and if it’s wrong, their hand is back up, trying to figure out the answer.”

  It’s doubtful that American children are playing video games to build classroom courage, but whatever their motivation, they are playing more.

  Impact of screen time

  Among children 8 to 18 who play video games, the average playing time is two hours a day, according to a 2010 Kaiser Family Foundation survey of about 2,000 households. That’s up from one hour 34 minutes in 2004, and one hour five minutes in 1999.

  Video game time, while possibly building some long-term strengths, will still probably take from homework, reading and outdoor play.

  A new study showed the downsides of kids playing video games. Researchers gave some families a game system; other families were promised a system when the four-month study ended.

  After the four months, the boys in families that immediately received a game system scored significantly lower on reading and writing tests than the boys who had to wait. Teachers reported more classwork concerns with the boys who had gotten games.

  Video games hidden benefits

  With care, parents and students can put many popular games to good use, said Marie Alcock, who works with schools and video game companies.

  Many games include intense reading material that children will be highly motivated to read. Role-playing games can put teens to work creating teams or planning and building cities.

  “You’re not just melting the brain the way my parents described it to me,” Alcock said. “You can find games that are going to absolutely help in school.”

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