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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:

  2006年,位于拉斯维加斯棕榈树赌场的花花公子俱乐部重新开张。著名时装设计师罗伯特·卡瓦利(Roberto Cavalli )受邀改良传统的兔女郎制服。现如今,该俱乐部广受欢迎,再度成为花花公子集团新晋的资金来源。

  花花公子选择澳门——中国目前唯一允许经营合法博彩业的地区——作为其旗下首家新一代国际俱乐部的落脚地。这家位于澳门金沙的“空中花园式”俱乐部占地12 000平方英尺。身居其中,可以俯瞰暧昧霓虹灯闪烁下的澳门夜景。花花公子集团还计划于2012年在澳门开设一家规模更为壮观的娱乐场所,并取名为“花花公子公馆”。其墨西哥坎昆俱乐部将于今年年底开业;而明年,花花公子俱乐部将重返伦敦。花花公子集团的CEO表示,在今后的五年内,公司希望其全球店面数量能够达到20家。




  In 2006, Playboy reopened a club in the Palms Casino in Las Vegas. Famous designer Roberto Cavalli updated the iconic bunny costumes, and so far, the club has been a hit, once again bringing a new source revenue to Playboy Enterprises.

  Playboy opened its first new generation international club in Macau, the only place in China with legal casino gambling. The 12,000 sq. ft. penthouse club in the Sands Macao overlooks the neon Macau skyline. Playboy plans to open an even larger venue — a Playboy Mansion — in Macau in 2012. Later this year, Playboy will open a club in Cancun, and then next year, they will open a club London. Playboy's CEO says within five years, they hope to have as many as 20 clubs around the world.

  In order to find new bunnies for its Macau casino, Playboy launched its bunny hunt, auditioning women across the globe. This bunny audition in Macau involved not only local Hong Kong and Macau talent but also women from as far as Brazil.

  For its Macau club, Playboy tapped Hong Kong designer Pacino Wan to redesign the bunny outfits. The design hasn't been finalized, but his sketches have been made public. He combines fashion design motifs associated with China like the qipao and the Mandarin collar, but don't worry, regardless of which design is chosen, the bunny will keep its tail, bowtie and ears.

Tags: 花花公子博彩俱乐部(二)
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