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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:



  “电子游戏显然能成为艺术”游戏设计师Jonathan Blow说。“这个问题已不再存在着争议,其实也从来没有过真正的争议。”






  Samyn和Harvey强调说电子游戏是一种需要更多艺术创作者的媒体(而不仅仅是设计师)。另一方面,Jonathan Blow强调平衡。

  “我所希望的是游戏能有趣,”Blow 说,“大多数按照‘好游戏设计规则’设计出来的主流游戏,对于已经玩过很多游戏的人来说,是没什么乐趣的,所以我不玩那些游戏。许多在艺术效果上费尽心机,但是设计规则很差劲的游戏,也没有什么乐趣,所以那些游戏我也不玩。但是有些游戏的确很棒。”



  正如故事中的故事游戏公司的设计师Michael Samyn和Auriea Harvey想要指出的那样,游戏的境况和现代艺术非常相似。




  Video games have come a long way since the days of "Space Invaders" and "Pong." Today, gamers plug into fully realized artificial worlds full of aesthetically pleasing and challenging imagery. But is it really art?

  Roger Ebert ignited a great deal of public debate on the issue in 2006, by insisting that video games could never be considered art. Since that time, the famous film critic has calmed his stance and now openly admits that video games can be considered art, even if they constitute an art form that he doesn't always "get.""Video games obviously can be art," says game designer Jonathan Blow. "There's not any real debate on the matter anymore, and there never really has been."Blow, who created the independent art game "Braid," argues that any perceived debate on the matter actually boils down to differing individual opinion and an overall shift in popular perception.

  "By no means will all video games ever be works of art," Harvey says. "This is not necessary. We have a perfectly fine category for most of them: games. Maybe our society should re-evaluate games. Games shouldn't have to be considered art to be culturally respected."Yet Samyn and Harvey insist that video games increasingly are developing into a true medium of artistic expression.

  "We believe video games will become the artistic medium of the new century," says Samyn. "Not due to their origins as games, but thanks to their enormous capacity for new forms of representation, engagement of the audience and even storytelling. Forms that, in our opinion, fit much better with our multifaceted contemporary society than linear media such as print, television or cinema -- or even fine art painting, sculpture or installations."

  Authors and Designers

  Samyn and Harvey stress that video games are a medium in need of more artistic authors (as opposed to mere designers)。 Jonathan Blow, on the other hand, urges balance.

  "What I want is for a game to be interesting," Blow says. "Most mainstream games made following 'good game design practices' are not interesting to someone who has played a lot of games, so I don't play those. Lots of games that try too hard to be art, and follow poor game design practices, also are not interesting, so I don't play those either. But some games are actually good."In closing, perhaps it's best to consider another melding of art and gaming. In 1964, Marcel Duchamp commissioned a chess set from surrealist Salvador Dali for the American Chess Federation. Perhaps game pieces modeled after fingers, teeth and saltshakers aren’t really your thing, but you'll currently find the set displayed in Atlanta's High Museum of Art.

  If security were to remove the protective glass, you could also play chess with it.

  Looking to Modern Art

  As Tale of Tales game designers Michael Samyn and Auriea Harvey like to point out, the situation is very similar to that of modern art.

  "Modernist artists have made works with cars, chairs, shoes, books, toys and even air," says Samyn. "So we shouldn't doubt that an artist can make a work of art with video games. The crucial thing to keep in mind, however, is that a baker is not an artist. A bread only becomes a work of art when an artist has used it for this purpose."So while 2005's "Shadow of the Colossus" is often touted as an example of a mainstream art game, no one is arguing that "Madden NFL 2005" was anything but a video game.

  Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Tags: 现代电子游戏是艺术吗?
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