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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:











  Omaha Poker Tips

  Before attempting to play an Omaha game online, players should understand that are several variants of Omaha poker; the game also has different betting structures. Players will need to study each variant’s rules and modify their Omaha strategy according to the betting structure and variant.

  1. Omaha is a mathematically precise game in which players bet high when the odds are favourable and low when the odds are unfavourable; this is the key to winning an online Omaha game.

  2. It is also important that a player pairs the 2 cards he holds with the 3 community cards in such a way that they “cooperate” and form the best possible hand.

  3. Playing a “tight” game is essential if players want to win at Omaha. The starting hand is of great importance and players should use them only if they are good enough. Some of the best starting hands are AA, KK, QQ, single-suited, single pair of kings or queens and wrap music. Bad players who play almost every hand will ultimately find themselves at the losing end.

  4. Beginners, who would like to develop their bankrolls, should start off by playing low limit Omaha because these tables are populated by weak and loose players.

  5. Players should understand that the strategy used for Omaha tournaments and cash games are not the same and that they should modify their strategy accordingly. A typical pot limit Omaha tournament comprises a number of stages, and players will find themselves changing their strategy according to nature of hand, chip size, blinds and opponent behaviour.

  As the saying goes, “know your enemy and know yourself”, which is also for gambling. Although there are no absolute winners, understanding and knowing about some gambling skills are necessary. Perhaps this will make you do well in the casino world.

  What I understand “skill” is just like a shortcut. Under the same condition, everyone knows how to solve the problem. Some people are straight and narrow, finishing their tasks honestly according rules and regulation. However, some look for and helped by some skills, so that they can finish their work efficiently. Perhaps this is the function of the skills.

  In gambling, you have to adapt yourself to changing circumstances and carefully watch what sb. saying and doing, which is, you have to learn in the daily life of society. Say the right words on appropriate occasion and play to the score, instead of being limited by others, which is not very well.

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