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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:







  Guide to playing Blackjack - Casino Games guide

  Casino Games Guide: Blackjack

  The most popular card game in the world today, Blackjack is the perfect blend preferred by card players everywhere – chance and skill rolled into one. The other significant element that comes into play where Blackjack is concerned is card counting or the uncanny ability of being able to calculate the probability of advantages based on the low card to high card ratio.

  Each player begins his game against the dealer by placing a certain amount of money in the ‘betting box.’ Every player is given two cards to start with and can draw extra cards at his turn. The object of the game is that the total value of the cards the player holds has to be higher in total value than the cards held by the dealer. The catch is that the tally should not go above twenty one. Anything above that means the house wins. On the other hand, if the dealer has a total hand value of over 21, then all the players at the table win. If the result is a tie, no one wins the round and the money is returned to the respective players.

  Once the game is in motion and the player has been dealt his two standard cards, he can go in one of four directions. He can either:

  Hit (which means he can take another card)

  Stand (meaning he can take no more cards)

  Double Down (a scenario wherein the player doubles his contributions to the betting box based on his standard cards)

  or Split A Pair (this is a scenario in which both the players standard cards are of the same value; he makes an additional contribution to the betting box and gets his cards split into two, allowing him to continue playing two hands instead of one).

  If you enjoy casino games, Poker is another excellent game to try.

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