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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:

  从酒店和博彩胜地每年数十亿计美元收入囊中的现象中,不难看出这一行业已成为经济界的弄潮儿 。游客在这些广阔的酒店和博彩胜地消磨掉大量的休闲时光,其中不乏地球上一些最奇特和美丽的地方。


  但最近拉斯维加斯在国际博彩度假胜地中的霸主地位已受到巨大的威胁,从一个不太起眼的角落... ...





  Hotel and Casino Resorts

  Hotel and casino resorts are riding the crest of a wave that sees them raking in billions of dollars every years. And tourists are lapping up the all-inclusive ease of a holiday at one these sprawling hotel and casino complexes set in some of the most exotic and beautiful places on earth.

  For well over half a century, Las Vegas was the undisputed global gambling capital. The Las Vegas Strip mirrors America's fast-living, high spending culture and spawned the concept of the hotel and casino resort complex, so much so that these are now frequently termed "Las Vegas-style hotel-casinos'.

  But recently Las Vegas's dominance of the international casino resort scene has come under huge threat, from a very unlikely source...

  Macau is a tiny 28-km squared peninsula of Mainland China, but by 2006 it had surpassed the Las Vegas Strip in gambling revenues. To browse hotels and casino resorts in Macau, which is fun even if you're not going anytime soon, check the Macau casino listings.

  In general the whole of Asia could make a concerted push to build hotel and casino resorts to compete with the rest of the world, while Europe is still home to some of the oldest, most beautiful casinos in the world.

  The Caribbean is a hugely popular gambling destination, and hotel and casino resorts can now be found dotted around most of the islands in this region.

  South Africa also boasts a thriving casino industry, led by the phenomenal Sun City resort.

Tags: 酒店和博彩胜地
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