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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:










  Widespread Gambling Culture

  The widespread gambling culture influences us all. Based on the hope of getting something for nothing attracts almost everybody. There are easy pickings for a fortunate few. Today, the whole society is seeped with this attitude. There is a common belief that even the banks were run like casinos, to satiate the greed of a few incompetent directors, who gambled with our money and lost.

  Most forms of gambling play on the psychological physicality of the game, where one competitor is trying to outwit his opponent or the odds with skill and luck. The gambler’s bet or move may result in the cash loss or victory. Over the years, a new hyper-real dynamic has been added to the experience of gambling, giving the gambler an extra layer between the perceived experience of victory or loss and the environment.

  The lottery and betting are as much a part of family life as the morning paper. Pro-gambling slogans screaming at viewers from behind their television screens are common. Some companies have diversified into electronic bookmaking and given the growing gambling culture a wholesome veneer.

  With advance in technology, the role of gaming machines and online gambling has made gambling accessible to everyone. The advent of internet has spread gambling culture to all corners of the world, making it into an addictive pastime since the beginning of civilization.

  It is important to note that quite a few numbers of millionaires come from online gambling. Yet the government recognizes the social problem that comes along with gambling. The gambling culture, with its pros and cons, is here to remain.

Tags: 广泛的赌博文化
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