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体育投注策略 - 如何处理损失

2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:







  Sports Betting Strategies – How To Deal With Losses

  I need you for your brave enough to admit that you lost in time, to congratulate sports betting. It is a very big step towards your long-term success in sports betting world. The truth is that no one to win all the time. Only the sports bookmaker wins all the time at the end. At a certain point of time, you lose your bet. So let’s be realistic now and see how we deal with them and then move towards our goal

  losses are common, and that’s one reason why people give in sports gambling. They are unable to control the loss and let it control instead. So, you must first preventive measures to minimize the loss. One good way is to set a stop-loss point as in equities. When you reach a certain amount of losses that last for a day, a week or even for a month.

  Even more importantly, on what you did wrong to reflect. Is it true that you do not follow your strategy or tips that correct? Or is it that you miss some external factors that could affect the game if you are the analysis of the game? For whatever reason it may be not to commit the same mistake again! Learn from your losses.

  A lot of people do not believe that you can make betting profits, but I beg to differ. It’s a gaming industry that you start small and roll your profits into an incredible amount allowed. The point is that if the people lost, and they give the finger at everyone else but themselves.

  So learn to deal with loss and self-discipline.

Tags: 体育投注策略,-,如何处理损失
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