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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:








  Online Poker Tutorial: A Basic Introduction to Omaha Poker

  Omaha is basically a community card poker game that is somehow shared the basic concept of a Texas Hold’em game . A player of Omaha game 4 cards are dealt. A player must have sent the best hand with just 2 cards in addition to just 3 of the 5 community cards. The basic concept or catch in Omaha is that a player use exactly 2 of his cards and exactly 3 of his cards to make a winning combination 5-card hand.

  It is said that in general, you can get much better in an Omaha game in comparison to a winning hand in Hold’em poker game. As a beginner in Omaha, you should really check and make sure you have exactly 2 cards from your own hand instead of three or one.

  online poker tutorial : Why you should try to learn Omaha

  So Omaha is not as popular as his famous brother, Texas Holdem, but if you try enough to Omaha, you will learn to see, it’s a great game to play in this kind of poker.

  Many great Texas Hold’em players are also trying their hand in Omaha. Even if these players are not as familiar with Omaha, they play their hands at high limits, because they are great at Holdem Poker. The problem is these players after losing only to flop. The reason for this is given in Holdem, if you are a couple that makes a strong hand already. In Omaha, a couple that you lose a lot of money. In Omaha poker, a player is paid only rarely, when he holds a pair of competitors, but often pay a higher pair, a flush or a straight.

  In comparison with Holdem, Omaha seems a lot of technical psychological game of poker as a game because you can already see if there is a best hand, since there is usually a straight or a flush on the table and often a player will have at this table. So if you are the type of players, the technical aspect of poker than anything enjoy bluff, perhaps Omaha is the game for you.

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