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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:















  I’ll admit that casinos are, for the most part, fun. Sure, the mathematics of the business insure that most casino gamblers lose, but the casino environment and the gaming “ride” can fairly be called entertaining.

  Many elements typically contribute to this casino fun. The games themselves have numerous winning events along the way (the “hit frequency”)。 The casino environments speak to fun—lights, noise, action, lively chatter. The package of amenities that many casinos now have (restaurants, shops, spas, hotels, golf courses) speak to a broader, all-inclusive fun not just limited to the gambling experience.

  So I’ll grant that casinos are fun places. I’ll even admit that the criticism I am about to heap on this “casino fun” may well be influenced by the 36 years I have been experiencing these casino environments—what’s old and stale to me might be eye-popping and amusing to fresh, new casino customers. But I truly believe that casinos are experiencing a fun crisis that is worsening by the day.

  Let me make my case by listing a litany of everyday casino occurrences that dampen fun for casino customers:

  A table game player whose buy-in currency is marked with a highlighter pen (looking for counterfeits) before the player is greeted into the game.

  Waiting in line at a casino restaurant that has numerous empty tables and too few service employees.

  Seeing the casino parking lot’s best spaces reserved for muckety-mucks, not customers.

  Watching casino security act like cops instead of service professionals.

  Hearing casino employees say, “It’s not my station,” “It’s not my job,” or “That’s the rule.”

  Waiting for two casino employees to finish up a personal discussion before serving an “intruding” guest.

  Hearing casino employees converse in a foreign language in front of customers.

  Enduring long check-in and check-out lines at the hotel front desk.

  Watching table game supervisors “sweat the money” when players are on a winning streak.

  Paying “resort fees” for hotel services never utilized.

  Participating in a casino promotion that has zero energy or excitement.

Tags: 是谁让赌场的乐趣灰飞烟灭?
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