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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:








  My Gambling Thanksgiving List

  Thanksgiving weekend is behind us and most of us had a fantastic time with friends and family around traditional holiday tables.  I spent this year contemplating what I am truly grateful for in life. Naturally my family came out tops, and things like my career, friends, new car and faithful hound all featured prominently on the list. But then I started thinking that I should give thanks for those other areas in my life that bring my just as much pleasure. Things that came to mind included my Wii, skateboarding … and gambling.  Then and there, I decided to make a special Thanksgiving list centered around that activity that brings me particular joy.

  My Gambling  Thanksgiving List:

  1. I’m grateful to be located in Nevada right now, enabling me to pop over to the Las Vegas Strip on any given weekend and play casino games to my heart’s content.   I give thanks to the amazing hotels and casinos, the 24/7 entertainment, the amazing shows that I can take in when I feel like a break from my gaming sessions, and the good food that can be found dotted in a multitude of eateries across the city.

  2. I’m grateful for my laptop that allows me to access my favorite online casino sites within seconds and takes me to an exciting world of gambling when I’m not in the mood to move from my sofa. I give thanks to the thousands of top quality sites out there, all vying for my attention by offering top paying bonuses, non-stop gambling action, literally hundreds of games, top notch customer support and easy payment methods.

  3. Looking back at this past year, I am grateful that I had the initiative and the intuition to stick with a particular slot machine during one my Vegas trips and eventually go on to win the $4,000 jackpot that night. That win paid for a super trip to New York this summer, where I went on a shopping spree (and bought the above-mentioned laptop!)。

  4. I am grateful for a growing global community of gamblers who love this pastime just as much as I do and who know how to appreciate great entertainment when they see it!

Tags: 感恩赌博
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