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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:










  Mini Baccarat

  It might not be quite as glamorous as its sophisticated big brother; mini-baccarat is the ideal game for players seeking a casual game, favorable odds, a friendly atmosphere, and more achievable finances. It is still the same game as regular baccarat, but without the rich exterior and the high bets.

  The mini-baccarat table is much smaller than the standard baccarat table, as it is the same size as that on which we play blackjack. It is also a much more laid back game, as there are seven player spots and a single dealer who does all the dealing. The banker and dealer do not change throughout the game, eliminating much of the ceremony that many consider needless.

  However, all of the game rules, as well as the betting options and the odds are the same as in regular baccarat.

  In mini-baccarat, each player’s spot has two circles, one above the other, directly in front of where the player is seated. The closest circle is designated for a Player bet, whereas the circle above that is marked for the bets made on the Banker hand. Above these circles is a semi-circle that runs the length of the table, and is for bets made on a tie. Each area is divided into numbered sections corresponding to the players participating in the game.

  The dealer is a casino employee who is dressed in uniform, not in a tuxedo as in the regular baccarat. He/she does all the shuffling, and a player is selected when the dealer cuts the cards after each shuffle.

  Mini baccarat usually has relatively low betting requirements – especially compared to that of regular baccarat. There is usually a minimum bet of approximately $5 as well as a maximum bet of $500. This is quite attractive to many players, as well as the casual atmosphere surrounding the game, and the consistently favorable odds.

  The game itself is also played much faster than standard baccarat, as there are fewer ceremonies, and fewer players, so that more hands can be dealt per minute. In mini baccarat, there is an average of 5 to 6 hands dealt per minute, as opposed to the 2 to 3 in regular baccarat.

  This also means that if you have any questions about the game, the dealer has more time to explain the rules and details to you. This makes it an ideal choice for starting off in baccarat.

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