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佐治亚警方破获一女性赌博团伙 六人被拘留

2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:




  “看起来这是一个只向女性开放的组织” 格威纳特县警官杰克。史密斯说“男性可以去,但是不能赌博”






  Georgia Women's Gambling League Ends In Six Arrests

  Gambling is no longer just for old men. Women have become a major target for casinos over the past decade, and the gambling prowess of women has even spilled over into the underground world. Authorities in Georgia busted one of these locations over the weekend.

  A neighborhood in Gwinnett County, Georgia, was the target of a police raid that took place at one of the homes in the quiet neighborhood. The home, according to police, was a destination that served as a gambling haven for a women's only gambling group. According to authorities, men were allowed to enter the house, but they were forbidden to gamble. The women that were involved in the gaming operation were elderly, and sometimes, according to neighbors, the women would show up in stretch limos to the house.

  "It seemed like this was a woman's-only organization," said Gwinnett County Police Officer Jake Smith. "Men would come, but they were not permitted to gamble."

  During the raid, officers found four gambling machines and over $15,000 in cash. It was not immediately known whether the only gambling taking place at the house was the machines, or whether card games were involved as well.

  Mi Hui Yi was the mastermind behind the gaming operation, and she was arrested along with five other women that police found at a second location. Authorities have been busy trying to figure out if additional gaming locations were used for the illegal operation. Hui Yi confessed about the second location when questioned by police during the raid.

  Georgia is one of the states that has seen law enforcement officials crack down on illegal gambling over the past several years. In most cases, the raids have taken place at Internet cafes, but there have been over a dozen incidents involving private house gambling operations. In most cases, men are the culprits, but authorities believe that only women were involved in the operation that was busted this week.

  Law enforcement officials around the US have been breaking up illegal gaming operations thanks in large part to the legal casinos that have been popping up around country. Officials want to ensure that the gambling money in a given community is going to the regulated casinos, and not the illegal underground operations.

Tags: 佐治亚警方破获一女性赌博团伙,六人被拘留
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