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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:


















  Far too many players treat poker like it’s a slot machine. Sit there, push the button over and over, and hope the jackpot will eventually come sliding across the table.

  I’m known as a guy who has opinions about how to play poker. So naturally people ask me a lot of strategy questions. Here are examples of the most popular types of questions.

  “With suited aces, I like to limp in and then call a raise. Do you think this is okay, or should I do something else?”

  “How much can I call preflop with a small pocket pair?”

  “When I have a draw, should I check and call or play it aggressively?”

  “Should I slowplay on the flop or not?”

  With all due respect to those who ruminate on these topics, these are slot machine questions, not poker questions.

  I participate occasionally in a video poker online discussion group. Video poker, for those who don’t know, is a game where a savvy gambler can generate a consistent advantage over the house and win over the long haul. Video poker is also a slot machine.

  The questions asked on this discussion group often look something like this, “In Super Mega Deuces Wild, if I get dealt deuce-ace-queen suited, do I hold the deuce-ace-queen or just the deuce?”

  This is a slot machine question, and in its venue it is a completely appropriate question. It has a mathematically correct answer that never changes. The answer depends entirely on the pay table of the game. If a wild royal flush pays X coins and four deuces pays Y coins, you can calculate the answer to any such slot machine question as a function of X and Y and all the other pays in the game.

  Poker, however, has no pay table. If you make three of a kind, it does not pay you three times your bet. In fact, making three of a kind in poker often pays very little. Occasionally it pays a whole lot. And sometimes it costs you a pretty penny.

  More importantly, in poker, what hands are worth depends completely on the strategies your opponents are playing. The hands themselves have no value.

  I know you’ve heard this before, and intellectually you understand it. But when I tell this to most people, they respond like this, “Sure, I understand what you’re saying. Hands have no value. But in general, Ed, how much can I call to try to make a set?”

  Poker is absolutely not about making big hands and collecting the jackpot, and if you keep looking at it that way you simply won’t get better.

  If there is a guy in the game who is playing every pot, has a ten thousand dollar stack, and is paying off every bet to the river whenever he hits top pair, then fine. Play the game like a slot machine. No need to wait for a slot attendant, this fellow will dutifully pay your jackpots.

  But if there’s no one in the game regularly paying off all the big hands, and this is usually the case now in Las Vegas games and in many other locales, then a slot machine approach won’t go very far.

Tags: 玩扑克策略——玩扑克就像玩老虎机
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