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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:


  现在,来自城西乡天意的15岁的Cole McConoughey (mik-KON'-ah-hee),因为星期五凌晨2点前在他家的枪击案件而仍然被当作一个成人被严重攻击。

  当时,来自埃弗雷特兵营的士兵指出,McConoughey用枪指着他朋友的头,也就是15岁的Neal Hammond,然后就开枪了。几个小时之后Hammond就死了。



  The defense attorney for a Pennsylvania teen charged in a fatal Russian roulette shooting says he'll try to get the case moved to juvenile court, but otherwise has no comment.

  For now, 15-year-old Cole McConoughey (mik-KON'-ah-hee) of West Providence Township remains charged as an adult with aggravated assault in Bedford County for the shooting at his home shortly before 2 a.m. Friday.

  That's when troopers from the Everett barracks say McConoughey pointed the weapon at the head of his friend, 15-year-old Neal Hammond, and fired. Hammond died several hours later.

  Police say Hammond and a third teen, who brought the gun and bullets to McConoughey's home, were there for a sleepover. Police say the boys were playing with the gun before McConoughey loaded a bullet, spun the .38 revolver's chamber, and fired the gun against Hammond's head.

Tags: 俄罗斯轮盘射击里的致命事件
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