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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:




  杰米·金作为一个伟大扑克巡回赛的老将陈仲衡的学徒,他的工作 与扑克电视节目的玩家有接触,那里显示了他的成功。虽然陈在杰米·金发展与他的比赛中给予了很大的帮助但是对于他自己来说,黄金投资也勾起了他的游戏兴趣,当地的赌场执业时间就是他工作的时间。


  在2006年世界系列扑克最后一轮,杰米·金战胜7个职业玩家,获得$ 12万美元的赛事奖金。他整个一轮,依然平静,积极通过了一系列所有的方式打牌,为他赢得了作为一个镇定的玩家的声誉。






  Jamie Gold

  Jamie Gold is a rising star in the world of professional poker, and has already made a name for himself as the biggest money winner in the history of the game ,with earnings exceeding 12 million dollars.

  Jamie Gold Career & Poker Celebrity

  Jamie Gold was introduced to the world of professional poker at a relatively late age. Although Gold was exposed to card games and poker as a youth, his career took the path of a talent agent, and Gold managed a host of celebrities before replacing his career with a life on the pro poker tour.

  Jamie Gold credits much of his success as a player to the great poker tour veteran Johnny Chan, who Gold worked with on a poker television show. Whilst working on the show Chan helped Jamie Gold to develop his game, with Gold also investing his time in reading up on the game and practising at his local casino.

  The World Series of Poker 2006 main event was where Jamie Gold made his now famous pro poker debut. Gold started the tournament on a regular buy-in, and by the final rounds had been offered a professional contract following several rounds that had seen him easily outclass his opponents.

  In the final round of the 2006 World Series of Poker Jamie Gold outwitted seven professional players to claim the massive $12 million dollar tournament prize. He remained calm throughout the entire round, playing aggressively all the way through a series of hands that earned him a reputation as an unflappable player.

  Gold’s massive win at the 2006 World Series of Poker has given him the luxury of pursuing his career at his own pace. While Jamie Gold was eliminated from the first round of the 2007 World Series of Poker, he has achieved some success in a series of charity tournaments and televised poker shows.

  Gold currently splits his time between his participation in the poker tour and his talent agency, JMG Management.

  Jamie Gold Profile: Playing Style

  Jamie Gold’s style of play at the 2006 World Series of Poker was controversial to say the least. Throughout the final hands Gold broke the taboo of keeping his cards secret by disclosing winning hands. This allowed him to force folds from opponents with stronger hands even when Gold’s cards would have lost had they been called.

Tags: 冉冉升起的扑克新星杰米金
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