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2008-06-10 13:50:46 来源:不详 作者:佚名 【 点击:





  SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- A University of Notre Dame anthropology professor is trying to help a South Bend group find out whether rumors about slot machines being buried beneath the City Cemetery are true.

  The South Bend Tribune reports professor Mark Schurr used ground penetrating radar to map a stretch of what used to be the old Kankakee Mill Race. The story goes that workers dumped the slot machines into the race along with other materials in the 1950s as part of an effort to fill in the waterway.

  The Historic Preservation Commission of South Bend and St. Joseph County is trying to determine whether the stories are true. Schurr says he didn't find anything that appeared to be an old slot machine, but he plans to keep on looking.

Tags: 南本德公墓是否真的埋藏有老虎机
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